Potholes and Hazardous Road Conditions

Please report any potholes on State owned roads to PennDOT. Please call 1-800-FIX-ROAD  

For a complete list of roads that are owned and maintained by PennDOT click here.
Please report any potholes on local Township owned roads to Judy Lizza  jlizza@thornburytwp.com or call 610.399.1425 ext. 104.

For a complete list of roads that are owned and maintained by the Township click here.

For a complete list of roads that are privately owned which are NOT maintained by the Township click here.

Roadside Repair and Maintenance

Township roads endure the wear and tear of daily traffic and the freeze-thaw cycle of the winter season.  These factors contribute to the erosion of the road surface integrity, and occasionally causes potholes and cracking.  The Township strives to address road repairs efficiently and on a timely basis.  If you see a section of road that needs repair, please call the Township Office at 610-399-1425.

Roadside Maintenance is necessary to ensure that vehicles do not get damaged from overgrown vegetation, and to ensure that traffic signs are visible to motorists.  The Township conducts mowing and trimming of vegetation, litter cleanup, and road shoulder maintenance.  If you see an area that needs attention, please call the Township Office at 610-399-1425.

Storm Inlet Maintenance

Storm inlet maintenance is an important township responsibility. Proper maintenance of roadside storm inlets keeps water and ice off of the roads, extending the life of the road surface.  It also prevents properties from being flooded by excess storm runoff.  The Township routinely checks and cleans storm inlets to enssure proper water flow.  If you see a storm inlet that needs attention, please call the Township Office at 610-399-1425.

Winter Snow & Ice Control

Safety is the major concern during winter storms.  The Township contracts with local plowing service providers to ensure roads are clear and safe during snow and ice storms.  The Township uses a combination of brine solution and road salt, depending on weather and storm conditions, to keep roads clear.