Resolution 2025-1 Payment of Routine, Recurring Obligations
Resolution 2025-2 Emergency Services
Resolution 2025-3 Mileage Compensation
Resolution 2025-4 Setting 2024 MMO
Resolution 2025-5 Designating the Depositories
Resolution 2025-6 Appointment to ZHB
Resolution 2025-7 Appointing Independent Auditors
Resolution 2025-8 Chester County Tax Collection Committee
Resolution 2025-9 Fee Schedule
Resolution 2025-10 Fee Schedule for Conditional Use, Subdivision and Land Development and ZHB
Resolution 2024-1 Approving the payment of Routine, Recurring Obligations
Resolution 2024-2 Emergency Services
Resolution 2024-3 Mileage Compensation
Resolution 2024-4 Setting 2024 MMO
Resolution 2024-5 Designating the Depositories
Resolution 2024-6 Appointment to ZHB
Resolution 2024-7 Appointing Independent Auditors
Resolution 2024-8 Chester County Tax Collection Committee
Resolution 2024-9 Fee Schedule
Resolution 2024-10 Fee Schedule for Conditional Use, Subdivision and Land Development and ZHB
Resolution 2024-11 Amended 2024 Budget
Resolution 2023-1 Payment of routine recurring obligations
Resolution 2023-2 appointing agencies for emergency services
Resolution 2023-3 Determining mileage
Resolution 2023-4 Adopting Act 44
Resolution 2023-5 Designating the depositories
Resolution 2023-6 Appointment to the Zoning Hearing Board
Resolution 2023-7 Appointing Auditor to audit the 2022 records
Resolution 2023- 8Appointing voting delegates to the Tax collection committee
Resolution 2023-9 Fee Schedule
Resolution 2023-10 Fee schedule for conditional use subdivision and land development and ZHB
Resolution 2023-11 Agreement between Thornbury & Penndot
Resolution 2023-12 Agreement between Thornbury and Commonwealth
Resolution 2023-13 Disposition of Records
Resolution 2023-14 Cheyney University Final Plan
Resolution 2023-15 2023 PECO Green Region Open Space Program
Resolution 2022-01 Payment of routine recurring obligations
Resolution 2022 -2 Appointing Emergency Services
Resolution 2022-3 Determining Mileage
Resolution 2022-4 Adopting Act 44
Resolution 2022-5 Designating the Depositories
Resolution 2022-6 Appointment to the ZHB
Resolution 2022-7 Appointment of independent auditors
Resolution 2022-8 Appointing Voting Delegates to CC Tax Collection
Resolution 2022- 9 Fee Schedule
Resolution 2022-10 Fee Schedule for Conditional Use Subdivision and ZHB
Resolution 2022-11 Act 537 Official Plan Revision
Resolution 2022-12 Mileage Compensation
Resolution 2022-13 Denying application Cheyney University
Resolution 2022-14 Reinstating Cheyney University Application
Resolution 2022-15 To Implement Act 57 of 2022 Property Tax Penalty Waiver Provision
Resolution 2021-1 Approving the payment of routine obligations
Resolution 2021-2 Appointing agencies to provide Emergency Services
Resolution 2021-3 Determining Mileage
Resolution 2021-4 Adopting Act 44
Resolution 2021-5 Designating the Depositors
Resolution 2021-6 Appointment to the Zoning Hearing Board
Resolution 2021-7 Appointing Independent Auditors
Resolution 2021-8 Voting Delegates Tax Collection
Resolution 2021-9 Fee Schedule
Resolution 2021-10 Fee Schedule Conditional Use, Subdivision and Zoning Hearing
Resolution 2021-11- Compensation rate for Tax Collector
Resolution 2021-12 Huntrise Lane Subdivision (2)
Resolution 2021-13 Verizon Cable Franchise Contract
Resolution 2021-15 Hazardous Mitigation Plan (1)
Resolution 2021-16 America 250PA
Resolution 2021-17 Providing for supplemental appropriations for the 2021 Budget
Resolution 2020-1 Recurring Obligations (1)
Resolution 2020-2 Emergency Services
Resolution 2020-3 Mileage Compensation
Resolution 2020-5 Designating Depositories
Resolution 2020-6 Appointment to Zoning Hearing Board
Resolution 2020-7 Appointing Independent Auditors
Resolution 2020-8 Appointing Voting Delegates
Resolution 2020-9 2020 Fee Schedule
Resolution 2020-10 Fee Schedule for Conditional Use, Subdivision and Land Dev and ZH
Resolution 2020-11 Qualified Retirement Plan
Resolution 2020-12 Voting Delegate TCC
Resolution 2020-13 811 April Safe Digging Month
Resolution 2020-14 Appointment to Zoning Hearing Board
Resolution 2020-15 Coronavirus Pandemic
Resolution 2020-16 Concerns about Actions regarding CWA (2)
Resolution 2020-17 Act 15 Property Tax Relief Provisions (1)
Resolution 2020-18 – Disposition of Records
Resolution 2019-1 Recurring Obligations
Resolution 2019-2 Emergency Services
Resolution 2019-3 2019 Mileage Compensation
Resolution 2019-5 Township Depositories
Resolution 2019-6 Appointment ZHB
Resolution 2019-7 Auditor 2018 Audit
Resolution 2019-8 Voting Delegates-Chesco Tax Collection
Resolution 2019-9 Fee Schedule
Resolution 2019-10 Fee Schedule for Cond. Use, Saldo, ZHB & BOS special Meetings
Resolution 2019-11 Endorsement of Landscapes3
Resolution 2019-14 Approval for Stillman Automotive
Resolution 2019-15 PrelimaryFinal 40 County Lane
Resolution 2019-16 Appointment to Zoning Hearing Board